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3 Types & Consequences Of Plagiarism Committed By University Students


Many university or postgraduate research students don’t understand the types and consequences of plagiarism. Avoiding all types of plagiarism & patchwriting in academic research & second language writing is crucial. Having good academic English writing skills can help you getting published in journals or write a good thesis prior graduate. However, under certain conditions due to ignorance or carelessness, you tend to plagiarize. It is not because you do it on purpose, but you don’t understand or familiarize with the types of plagiarism.


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Many students tend to ask these questions:

  • How much plagiarism is allowed in thesis?

  • How much plagiarism is allowed in research paper?

  • What is an acceptable percentage of plagiarism?

  • What is the first step in avoiding plagiarism in academic writing?

You should know that you can’t bear the implications of plagiarism in academic research. Of course, different university has their range of percentage of plagiarism. But, it doesn’t mean you’re encouraged to plagiarize as far as within the range. You should try your best to write and explain using your own sentences. If you face difficulties, you can use the correct techniques to quote the original sentences. But, again, try to avoid it as much as possible. Well, the first step in avoiding plagiarism in academic research writing is to know and understand the 3 types of plagiarism as discussed below.

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3 Types Of Plagiarism

Theoretically, as far as you’re copying directly from someone else and presenting as your own work without giving right credit, you’re plagiarizing. Plagiarism can occur in computer program, music, graphic, presentation, blog, and academic writing. However, we’ll focus more on plagiarism in academic research writing. In academic writing, there’re several types of plagiarism that you might practice now without noticing it. The 3 types of plagiarism that generally occurred in academic research writing are shown below:

3 Types & Consequences Of Plagiarism Committed By University Students-EdiThumbs1. Direct or Word-for-Word Plagiarism
It involves the action of copying word by word without acknowledgement and quotation marks. An example is shown below (underline indicate plagiarism):

Original Source: “In this age of globalization, natural gas still considering as crucial energy resource compared to other fuels. Presently, natural gas still relying mainly on pipelines for their transportation from original source to the final customers.” [1]
[1] Chiong, S. J. (2015). Natural Gas: Energy Resources. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Student A: Recently, natural gas still considering as the crucial energy resource compared to other fuels. We can’t deny that natural gas still relying mainly on pipelines for their transportation from original source to the final customers.

2. Mosaic or Patchwork Plagiarism3 Types & Consequences Of Plagiarism Committed By University Students-EdiThumbs

You’re involving in mosaic plagiarism if you change words or phrases from an original source without using quotation marks, or just using synonyms while maintaining similar meaning
and sentences structure. For instance (underline indicate plagiarism):

Student A: Natural gases are seeing as the vital energy resource compared to other fuels. We can’t deny that natural gas still depend on pipelines for their transportation from the source to the consumers.

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3 Types & Consequences Of Plagiarism Committed By University Students-EdiThumbs3. Self-Plagiarism
It occurs when you’re submitting the same or part of the thesis or research paper, without permission to different parties.

An example of writing without plagiarizing is shown below:

In this 21st century, even though many renewable energy have been emerged, we can’t neglect the importance of natural gas to the humankind. Survey by Chiong (2015) revealed that pipelines are the only facility used to transport natural gas “from original source to the final consumers” as pipelines is the most economical compared to other approaches.

Why this is a good writing & does not plagiarize?
Reason: The writer implements quotation marks and citing the source. Besides, the writer has modified Chiong’s language and sentences structure. This is done by adding some elaboration or opinion, which is relevant to the content.

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Consequences Of Plagiarism

In academic writing, plagiarism definitely is not a good option and should be avoided as much as possible as it can bring the following consequences:

  • Destroy the academic or professional reputation3 Types & Consequences Of Plagiarism Committed By University Students-EdiThumbs
  • Face the legal repercussions
  • Expel from academic or research institution
  • Can’t graduate on time or may expel from the university
  • Fail to publish in journals

Plagiarizing shouldn’t be the only solution if you’re not good in English language and grammar. If you’re not confident with your own work, there are many editing and proofreading services available to help you especially in language and grammar part. So, try your best to write by your own using correct techniques such as paraphrasing, adding citation, and include quotation marks if necessary without plagiarizing other’s people work. You also can plagiarism checker free online software for plagiarism detection.


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You should know the types & consequences of plagiarism. How to improve academic English writing skills when you’re non-native English speaker? Leave your thought here!

Chiong Sie Jing

Hey there! I’m Chiong. As EdiThumbs’s Managing Editor with over 10 years of professional proofreading experience, Chiong leads the editorial team with a passion for crafting high-quality writing. With extensive experience helping hundreds of PhD students and researchers worldwide, he believes that editing is both an art and an essential step in creating clear, impactful content. Chiong is also a former author and co-author of Q1 Elsevier journals, where he successfully guided students and researchers in reducing their similarity index and getting published in prestigious journals. In addition to his editorial work, he is a speaker and coach, focusing on assisting PhD candidates in crushing their viva and graduating on time. He also coaches students to develop high-impact proposals that earn top marks and distinctions. At EdiThumbs, our editors possess a deep, almost instinctive understanding of language flow, enhanced by their strong technical and English language knowledge. This expertise allows them to bring out the artistry of editing, ensuring clarity, originality, and high-quality content.

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